The Best One Page Websites from January are here. We narrowed it down to the top 5 (with the help of your likes)… check them out, let us know if you have any other recommendations:
Mapping Place Pins
Amazing one pager for Pinterest’s new Place Pins. The team who put this together gives us an in-depth story about how they built their new product. This is a great way any business should build an online product.
Time Responsive Coming Soon Page
Sweet new one page countdown template called ‘Time’. This template features full screen images, Ajax loading content blocks, and counter that appears after you click on the clock on the bottom.
Streamline Icons
Nice landing page for ‘streamline icons’, an icon set available for download. The header back illustrations compliment the icons very well.
Andrew Shen
Nicely done one page web design by Andrew Shen, art student & Freelance Designer in Palo Alto, California.
Valio Con 2014
Love the scrolling images of past Valio Cons to give you a feel of what’s in store for this year, and the hand-drawn logo by Drew Wilson himself.
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